St. Elizabeth Parish
St. Elizabeth parish welcomes you with full of love and aloha. Your presence is very important here. Please come and experience God’s Love, His Mercy, and His Compassion. You will find peace, joy, and tranquility as you enter this holy place with the heart of faith. Jesus loves you. Come and enjoy His lovely presence.
Wishing everyone Happy Sunday: Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C/ Aloha Sunday and Stewardship Commitment Sunday.
This Week Masses: Sat Vigil: 5pm, Sun: 6am,8am,10am,12pm, 2pm&5pm.
Please join for the fellowship at the Hall after 6am, 8am and 10am Masses.
Important Note: Please pray for the good weather for the success of our School Basketball Court- Renovation and all who dedicate their great service for the success of this project. May God bless them and their family. The work will be from Feb 17- Feb 23. Please park your cars in the Navy Parking Area. Mahalo
Healing Mass & Adoration

This week special events:
February 18, Tue: Rosary at 6:30pm
February 19, Thu: Adoration 7:30am-12pm
God bless you.
With blessings and Prayers : Rev. Sebastian Soosai, Pastor