
Seniors' Ministry

Purpose: Faith Community whose mission is to nurture the spiritual, social, health and service needs of all seniors of St. Elizabeth parish by fostering hospitality, involvement, and opportunities for spiritual growth.

Activities: Meets the 4th Wednesday at 9am in Conference Rooms 1/2. It is a time to socialize with old friends and make new friends, pray, reflect on scriptures and enjoy refreshments. The meeting usually focuses on a topic, for example, Orchid Culture, Organizing Your Life, Brain Gym Exercises, Christian Guest Soloist Jessica Sands, Sacraments of the Church, and Christ’s Presence in the Eucharist. Playing Bingo is a favorite activity. We have also learned how to make a rosary.

Requirements: You may retire from work, but you never retire from the work of the Lord. For senior citizens who want to join the ministry for fun and fellowship!

Contact: Flo Johansen, fjohnasen40@gmail.com