Community Groups

Filipino Catholic Club / FCC

Purpose: To perpetuate the unique spiritual and cultural heritage of our Catholic faith in the Filipino community. We are under the umbrella of the Diocese of Honolulu that encompasses the FCC Councils of Kauai, Maui, Hawaii (Big Island) and Oahu.

Mission Statement: We, the members of the Diocesan Congress of Filipino Catholic Clubs (DCFCC), through our willingness and commitment to serve and live Christ’s call, join together as a Christian family to build a Christian community among our Filipino brothers and sisters, uphold our cultures and traditions, work and develop toward a meaningful organization by sharing our common hopes and concerns for ourselves and others through Renewal, Outreach, Education, Formation/Worship,Social Ministry, Administration and Leadership.

Duties: To support the parish in its various projects and activities such as conducting a Novena for a deceased family or member, monthly Rosary or by special request, 9-day Novena to St. Joseph, 9-day novena before the feast day of San Lorenzo Ruiz (the first Filipino Saint), September 21. Also conduct 9-day novena for the deceased as requested by any member or non-FCC member or any parishioner. Celebrate Flores de Mayo (2nd Sunday in May) and Misa de Gallo at Christmas.

Contact: Wen Stafford,